Round Passover Plate 6, hand painted , צלחת פסח, ציור ביד אמן, צבעונית, ממתכת
Passover plate no. 6, a new modern Passover plate, round shape, 35 cm diameter plate.
Laser cut Metal & hand painted, 1/1, original.
6 glass bowls are attached.
Diameter: 35 cm, 14 "
Design: Alla Pikovski
Manufacturer: Joy Art Gallery
Artist Alla Pikovski draws and sketches, as well as produces computer graphics and laser-cut metals full of elegance, bright colors and aesthetic beauty.
Alla was born in Minsk, Byelorussia in 1964 and immigrated to Israel in 1976. At an early age, she was already dabbling in painting, sculpting and other forms of handicrafts. When she was in high school, her parents sent her to study graphics, sketching and drawing at the Hanna Shenesh School, where her special talents soon stood out from those of her peers. Alla focused on her favorite subject: sketching and drawing the human face, with its infinite variety of expressions and moods.
Alla’s creations are eclectic and show dynamic transitions between realistic, classic art forms that rely on realistic values, and abstract, contemporary art that makes use of computerized techniques.
Her grasp of the secrets of computer graphics and her abundant creativity allow her to work in numerous spheres: free creation, advertising, offset printing, silk printing, and signposts, as well as preparing drawings and sketches for laser cutting, etc.
Laser cutting techniques make it possible to cut metal to conform to a drawing displayed on the computer screen. The laser beam moves over the metal surface and, at the end of the process, the metal is cut, painted, and sometimes even bent into desired shapes. In this way, Alla creates three-dimensional objects and recently she created several extraordinarily beautiful sculptural elements. Her Hanukah candelabras prove that it is not necessary to revert to traditional shapes and patterns when creating Judaic objects, or to replicate patterns from the past. Her candelabras present us with a form of expression that is state of the art and modern, in flowing lines powerful with color.
In addition, Alla has created metal laser cuts that have been painted in black, built with an ornamentalism that is reminiscent of the Art Nouveau period, with shapes that suggest fauna, movement, and organic shapes that twist and wind. These laser cut metals can be hung on walls or displayed in special niches, blend in as a decorative, organic component of a furniture arrangement, or however else strikes your fancy.
Orit Lotringer, Art Curator, 2013